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For thousands of years, sauna bathing has leveraged Earth's elements to deliver the therapeutic experiences we crave. Explore the physical and mental wellness benefits that can accompany regular sauna use and learn about the ceremonial practice of 'Aufguss.'


Natural woods and mineral rich rocks establish the foundation for the sauna experience. These grounding elements reflect the beauty of earth's materials and create a quiet, calm, and secluded environment-ideal for meditation, mindfulness, reflection, and personal connection. Whether indoors or out, the sauna experience gives you the permission to unplug-bringing you closer to nature and closer to yourself.


The transformative power of water enhances the sauna experience. Pouring water over the rocks creates steam, increases the cabin temperature, and can help open your pores and stimulate the circulatory system. Water is also fundamental to the German practice of 'Aufguss,' which is the ceremonial mixing of water with essential oils. This mixture is then poured over the rocks to elevate the sensorial experience.


The sauna ritual revolves around creating the perception of fire. The precise heat of the sauna has the power to create a purifying, therapeutic environment that helps detoxify the body and relax the mind while invigorating the cardiovascular system. The heat is what we crave, it forces us to sweat, and KLAFS has the ability to combine heat levels with controlled humidity to deliver multiple forms of sauna bathing.


The heat of the sauna is felt in the air we breathe, and this is where the German 'Aufguss' ceremony reaches its ultimate expression. The steam created by the water and essential oils is circulated throughout the cabin by the Saunameister using a towel or fan. This circulation stimulates the airways, promotes deeper breathing, and ultimately creates a deeper sense of relaxation and renewal.


Combining the elements of earth, water, fire, and air in the sauna creates a wellness retreat unlike any other. It's a visceral, transformative experience rooted in nature that has permeated cultures around the world in various forms for millennia. Explore the range of physical and mental benefits below and discover why sauna bathing is an essential element for your wellness practice.


Regular sauna use has been connected to a wide range of mental and physical benefits. By mimicking the effects and benefits of exercise, sauna use can be a great tool in your overall approach to wellness and longevity.


Detoxify and purify your skin


Breathe deeply, clear your mind


Enhance your vascularity + vitality


Embrace your daily reset

  • Can regular sauna use help me detox?

    Detoxification is the benefit most frequently cited by sauna enthusiasts. While studies have observed trace amount of heavy metals in sweat, it is predominantly composed of water (to the tune of 99%) and electrolytes (such as potassium and sodium). The bulk of your body's detoxification takes place in the liver, kidneys, and through regular elimination. While sweating in a sauna may not lead to detoxification in the clinical sense, it can still stimulate the release of endorphins—natural chemicals produced by the brain that can serve as "feel-good" hormones- which have been shown to help reduce pain and create an overall sense of well-being. So, while you might not directly detox by sweating in a sauna, you can still "detox" from a bad mood and receive benefits from this exercise-mimicking ritual.

  • Has regular sauna use been shown to improve lung function?
    As you heat up in the sauna, your body naturally works to maintain homeostasis. While sweating is the primary way humans regulate their body temperature, breathing comes in a very close second place. An increased rate of breathing can help your body cool down by receiving the oxygen it needs to function properly. In fact, this Finnish study found that regular sauna use (2-3x per week) is associated with a moderately reduced risk of respiratory conditions, including asthma, and pneumonia (Kunutsor et al., 2017). The authors also found that heavy sauna usage (defined as 4-7x per week) in Finnish men was associated with a 41% lower risk of developing those conditions compared to those who used saunas just one time a week.*

    *This study was submitted as a letter to the editor and therefore has not been fully peer reviewed.
  • Can regular sauna use impact cardivascular health?
    In the last decade, several studies have been published that have linked frequent sauna usage with better cardiovascular outcomes. A Finnish study from 2015 published in the JAMA internal medicine journal found that men who used saunas 4-7x per week had a 48% lower risk of negative cardiovascular events compared to those who used sauna just one time per week (Laukkanen et al., 2015).* A study published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology (Lee et al., 2017) established a relationship between frequent sauna bathing and improved vascular function and lower blood pressure. While this research is promising, it is only in the beginning phases and there is more yet to learn. Please consult your doctor before embarking on any new personal wellness protocol.

    *This study was performed exclusively on Finnish men, and its authors caution extending the conclusions to non-Finnish populations due to potentially significant lifestyle differences.
  • Can using a sauna help me relax, de-stress, and sleep better?
    A recent Japanese study established a connection between sauna bathing and mental and physical relaxation, where physiological data and subjective emotional evaluation showed an increase in positive emotions and clarity of mind (Chang et al., 2023). When it comes to sleep, there isn’t a lot of up-to-date research to be found. However, a Finnish study from 1976 showed that sauna usage increased deep sleep during the first two hours by more than 70% and during the first six hours by 45%.* It is thought that the change in core body temperature combined with the release of endorphins contributes to an overall feeling of relaxation and calm, which can help an individual fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply.

    *This study only tested five subjects and was performed roughly 50 years ago. Technology has come a long way since then, so more research on larger populations is needed to verify this conclusion.
  • Can regular sauna use impact brain health and mental well-being?

    Sauna bathing and other forms of whole-body heating have been linked to several brain-related benefits. A Finnish study published in Age and Ageing showed an association where those who used saunas 4-7x per week showed a 66% lower risk of developing dementia (Laukkanen et al., 2017). Expanding on that finding, a Japanese study established a connection between whole-body heating and the increase of brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) concentration which is associated with improved mood regulation and cognitive function (Ogawa et al., 2021).